38Friends 43Fans
female Philippines
Hi, Im KC and Im... :]
kayeseafish shares
15 years ago 4
https://images.plurk.com/3523998_9fe3692adf7fd586538ae758cc4362d8.jpg KAYE SEA FISH! :-) Hehe.
15 years ago
...beyond anything.
15 years ago
There was no difficult period of forgetting him or getting over him. Which made me wonder if I had ever loved him, or anyone else.
15 years ago
Secret #790: I wish you knew how much you mean to me.
15 years ago
I'm not sure if I'll ever like anyone as much as I liked you. And you still have no idea. (OKAY!)
15 years ago
859.) You tell me you love me but I know it will never be the same as the way you love her. (Oh, drama)
kayeseafish says
15 years ago
kayeseafish wishes
15 years ago
kuya Ray a happy birthday.. :-D
kayeseafish says
15 years ago 2
why the hell do people keep adding me on facebook? :|
kayeseafish shares
15 years ago 5
https://images.plurk.com/3523998_82819b972cf360644191cb1cb48187d9.jpg Yogurt World. California Strawberry and Vanilla. Plus loads of toppings. 5 bucks? I could've bought a shirt.