feeling strangely fine (great album) back in the 28078. exhausted from the weekend, pissed about gas leak, but strangely fine nonetheless
it was friday and she could sleep in tomorrow
wants to have happy thoughts again...i'm all out. maybe i need to take up yoga again, or go on vacation...
she never took on a tenant. consider a sign for the kitchen - "Whatever you want, the answer is 'NO!'"
wonders if Twitter would function better if any mention of iPhone/WWDC was blocked for the next 72 hours min.
that Twitter still wanted to be her friend...
that she is still working and not swimming
wishes there were 8 extra hrs a day to devote just to sleep
her glands are swollen. better have something soothing like...ice cream!
her mother didn't do thinks like setting off the smoke alarm boiling eggs and scaring the whole family by not answering the phone