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male Pangkalpinang, Indonesia
Pendapat yang biasanya jauh dari kenyataan
adalah pendapat tentang diri sendiri.

Seperti, banyak orang merasa pesimis
dengan kemungkinannya untuk berhasil,
...padahal sebenarnya mereka sangat berbakat.

Dan janganlah juga heran,
bahwa orang-
kartono_tonn says
14 years ago
Good night, good-beistirahat, slept and dreamed a beautiful, beautiful as your days are you gonna go through the next day... :-)
kartono_tonn says
14 years ago
Feels lonely dark night and I sat lamenting her dark night of the dead star... :-)
kartono_tonn says
14 years ago
Learning is to always love each other, because by always loving life would be more meaningful...
kartono_tonn says
14 years ago
Sometimes what you plan to be not as easy as you run...:-)
kartono_tonn says
14 years ago
Living in a falsehood is suffering...!!
kartono_tonn says
14 years ago
I know you not for just this moment ...!
kartono_tonn says
14 years ago
Do not be like a new person you know ...???
kartono_tonn says
14 years ago
The rain this morning was as beautiful as the rain yesterday..."
kartono_tonn says
14 years ago
"Do not block my intention to look after you escape from it all because there is only detruction in the future"
kartono_tonn berharap
14 years ago
salam kenal ni...hehe