20Friends 6Fans
female Indonesia
carrépantelon wishes
15 years ago
goodluck cheerers (dance)
carrépantelon says
15 years ago
afc bkin laperr (hungry)
carrépantelon says
15 years ago
14 Agustus taun 09, itulah hari kmerdakaan KITA! horee.horee.horeee!FREEDOM AWATING(dance)
carrépantelon says
15 years ago 12
KID:mom, i want $2; MOM:i just gave it yesterday!; KID:i've given it to a white-haired old women; MOM:then what'll u do w/ this $2 today?;
carrépantelon says
15 years ago 8
erika trkenal sama guru" lama.
carrépantelon wants
15 years ago 5
to watch G.I JOE- rising of the cobra
carrépantelon ist
15 years ago
getting cough and hiccup.T.T pathetic. (sick)
carrépantelon sagt
15 years ago
maksdnya apa shh??? karma turun mlu.ckvkkvkvkc. (angry)
carrépantelon sagt
15 years ago
mata silau karna public enemies.
carrépantelon braucht
15 years ago
emg lg jaman bom bnuh diri yah?? bodohh bgt(angry)