5Friends 0Fans
female Oxford, OH, United States
11 years ago
missed a faculty retreat b/c hauling babies after a ice storm. Doing a little retreat in my own office.
11 years ago
Eager for spring! Wanting to wear bright colors already!
11 years ago 3
Today is the Presidents' Day. Addy got super excited b/c she thought it was "Present's Day" and everyone should be getting presents. After I explained it to her she got a little disappointed - it's for the
11 years ago
https://images.plurk.com/opeI-7pKpeYkDHll2x3UyVaPQg6.jpg working at a coffee shop by addy's dance class.
11 years ago 1
Happy Valentine's Day everyone!
11 years ago 2
just found out 3 people whom I went to grad school with are now associate deans. Should I be happy that I was among elites at grad school or should I spiff up my resume?
11 years ago
Really don't like red lipstick or lip gloss. Why is that?
11 years ago
having a husband who likes to shop is sweet and hilarious at the same time. He bought me a jacket from Puma yesterday.
11 years ago
Monday ended with baby's puke in my hair. Parenting is a messy business to me.
11 years ago
Monday started with: 1. Penguin woke up several times at night & fussy, 2. before putting on a diaper he peed on to my feet and the floor & 3. a early mtg