8Friends 0Fans
female NY, United States
I'm Kanala, and hello there....
kanala is
15 years ago 23
actually Dyga who using this plurk, and just realize that BLAIR is cute
kanala says
15 years ago
plurk ini dipake dyga bentar ye minjem
15 years ago 25
dipake DYGA
kanala is
15 years ago 3
in turkey, and its actually 9.00 AM and we are going to Gema's house
kanala is
15 years ago 2
actually 3 AM here
kanala will
15 years ago 2
going out in a minute! midnight summer
15 years ago 1
kebangun karena sharleen nelfon untuk hal ga penting!
kanala thinks
15 years ago 2
its funny to change her template to gossip girl
kanala will
15 years ago
change her template to gossip girl too
kanala is
15 years ago 1
having fun with this