54Friends 49Fans
female Quezon City, Philippines
Certified crammer.
Anime otaku.
Occasional bibliophile.
I ❤ 
ADMU - BS PSY 2012
Pato-chan will
15 years ago
be sleeping soon. Brush teeth and then snoozing. :-) Bye
Pato-chan is
15 years ago
back at the dorm :-)
Pato-chan feels
15 years ago 1
fully rested :-)
Pato-chan says
15 years ago
The IAC party was really fun! :-D
Pato-chan is
15 years ago
excited for the IAC party :-D
Pato-chan is
15 years ago
done for the day. :-) I don't think will need me later. So, I'll just chill here for the time being :-)
Pato-chan is
15 years ago
Pato-chan has
15 years ago
Chem as well... *sigh*
Pato-chan is
15 years ago
also glad that our theo prof is, apparently, online a lot. Will have to revise my ppt though.
Pato-chan is
15 years ago