I've lost track of how many nights in a row I've gotten fucked up on cough syrup and booze but here comes another one because I literally cannot handle my own feelings
I'm not even shocked anymore to learn that my feelings are just someone's plaything and I've been used I basically expect to get hurt at this point
True love is watching your boy playing FFXV over skype while you scream at Dark Souls
Tfw your curse is working better than you expected hAHAAHA
Hey so my landlord just sprung a fucking bed bug spray on us so Jojo, Pixel and I need a place to chill for a few hours on Tuesday if anyone's available
Surgery tomorrow open invite to anyone who wants to keep Jojo company for 6 hours while I'm getting cut up
Haven't said it here yet but please instead of seeing "Split" consider donating to an organization or charity that cares about mental health instead of seeing a shitty movie that exploits people like me with DID. Even if you don't donate just please don't support this film.