2Friends 5Fans
male Baguio, Philippines
techie but trying to earn on my own to satisfy the need for studying the latest technology.. ahahah

analyzes most of the things around, even to the smallest detail on how things would end up, how it came to be or how it was made..
kaarubreto says
13 years ago
it would be the Android 2.2.2 i guess.. ahahah
kaarubreto asks
13 years ago
which would be better? Windows Mobile 6.5 or Andriod 2.2??
kaarubreto says
13 years ago
just updated my mobile phone.. ahahaha..
kaarubreto says
13 years ago
guess it's heads then... ahahahah (LOL)
kaarubreto asks
13 years ago
heads or tails?? =)
kaarubreto says
13 years ago
can't wait for the 7th season of how i met your mother.. :-D
kaarubreto is
13 years ago
planning on watching the last episode of how i met you mother this season.. ahahaha :-)
kaarubreto wonders
13 years ago
when could I tell you and shout it to the whole world?? :-(