"The Ugly Truth" is a great movie! Hilarious but romantic at the same time.
"The Social Network"還不錯看,但主角nerdy的對話講得好快的時候整個一頭霧水,但他好有錢!(羨慕)"Butterfly Effect"第一集真讚!回味無窮!"The Town"沒有想像中好看。
I don't think I'm ready to make myself busier with another job, I'm just not there yet, but I really should. Annoying contradiction.
I didn't know that "The Pink Pather" was such an amusing movie!!! Love it! I can't find its sequel on PPS, kinda disappointing...
The Tourist很好看,Johnny Depp還是有他獨特的幽默感!Due Date還滿好笑的,不過裡面那個Ethan真的讓我很......如果我在現實生活中遇到這種人,我會拿菜刀砍他XDDD