19Friends 81Fans
female Greenlane, Malaysia
i'm a girl,
not a boy,
not half of both,
but just a girl.
16 years ago
He's been speaking 2 me,breaking parts in me that's been long held by pride that i may grow in my walk w Him. hey,i'm gonna rock on 4 Jesus!
16 years ago
d most awesome thing bout d2i was God's presence. it was amazing n REAL. just x describe.
16 years ago 3
we x get 5th. x 4th. x 3rd(was prac screaming! we expected a 4th cos of being bad in games). we got 2nd. we went CRAZY! haha
16 years ago 2
last day. prayer, morn dev. show time! drama(x prac, x time), turned out good, despite many arguments in discussion. so proud of celsius!
16 years ago 2
session4 - last. God's spirit was so real and he really moved in ppl's hearts.
16 years ago
straight on 2 waterfall trip. super KENG! better than lata kinjang, did sorta abseiling in super fast water. my back's all bruised now
16 years ago
games, knee bled, running in mud aft rain. had 2 play d eating game again. haih.. fruits, veg, all raw n cili padi!
16 years ago
day3 6.30prayer. morn dev. message3. aft lunch, WORDshop! this time we're evangelical organizations, easier (haih) get slogan, verse n drama
16 years ago
jungle NIGHT trekking. use torchlights, lotsa cool hiking. @ d oil palm plantation, lights off (snakes). held hands (50 ppl!) n walked
16 years ago
3pm group meet. then 2 hours station games. made us do commando crawl. bruised my knees n elbows, but enjoyed it. 6pm wash up n dinner