can u block someone on Plurk? OMG so goddamn annoying.
Chilai chilai chilai chilai. (m)
OMG, my 2-year-old cousin sis just molested me. She thought I hid her ball in my shirt and reach out to grab IT. Ouch.
new speakers. Like,seriously need 'em.
I twist and turn in my bed cuddling my Teddy for more than 1hour, but just when I finally fall asleep, my mum wakes me up. FML
My mum bought me the Colgate 360. *What?!?!*
stole my house PC muthaeffing HUGE speakers into my room. Aww, I really shouldn't have. ; )
My weight dropped like 2kg when I weigh myself 5 minutes after the party and 2 hours after the party. WTF?
ding dong, ding dong dang. Borat Borat Borat!
tears leaking whole day now. Nose dripping too. Annoying like what.