Young Sangie n Kyu joong's Sun Glasses kereeeennnn
All my SS boys look so fresh and happy, but not for Hyun Joong,,Otoke??
why uri leader looks not fresh??otoke??r u ok hyun joong ssi??
hyun joon aaaa,,u like mickey mouse so much do u??kykny sering banget liat pake kaos mickey hehehehe..tapi keyeeen kok hehehe
Young Sangie's new hair style..uhuiii cakep booo my bad boy kekekeke
when will all this things finish,,when??? apa perlu g segitu merasa bersalahnya,,ga bs apa y g cuek dikit,,rasany mau GILA
bos, why u not answer me? u must be really really MAD to me.
g sebeeeeelll ama diri g sendiri,,BEGO,BEGO,BEGO, BEGO
I do my best but it ends up ANCUR PARAH KACAU