109Friends 28Fans
female Manila, Philippines
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║(O ║♥i love♥
╚══╝ music :-)
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╚═══╝ Now Playing' :

.. I ♥ YOU ..

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judyann71 says
14 years ago
When i close my eyes i see no one except you..When i open my eyes i see everyone except you.. :-(
judyann71 says
14 years ago
I do like you but I'm trying to get over you because i know you don't feel the same way about me .. your just not worth it :-(
judyann71 says
14 years ago
once the one you love is gone. It takes a LIFETIME to forget them. And you remember when it only took a month to love them. :-)
judyann71 says
14 years ago
Dear Brain,sorry 4 overloading u with thoughts of her.Dear Pillow,sorry 4 all the tears.Dear Heart,sorry 4 all the damage :-)
judyann71 says
14 years ago
Every day I smile. Every night I cry. In between there's so much pain I wonder how I've managed to bear it at all.
judyann71 says
14 years ago
One of the hardest things you'll ever have to do is stop loving someone because they've stopped loving you.
judyann71 says
14 years ago 4
We used to talk all day and night. Now it's almost as if like we never met :-(
judyann71 says
14 years ago
Doesn't like the way she's feeling inside right now & wants it to stop...it's hurting :-)
judyann71 says
14 years ago
Sometimes i feel like i just don't want to feel anymore :-)
judyann71 says
14 years ago
silence hurts more than words. :-)