7Friends 14Fans
male Ancramdale, NY, United States
"... I was assailed by so many doubts and errors that the only profit I appeared to have drawn from trying to become educated, was progressively to have discovered my ignorance." - Descartes
jsantos11235 is
15 years ago
working on a ToC db... navigating the isbndb and amazon apis is fun!
jsantos11235 is
15 years ago
off to Applied Stats (Grad class)
jsantos11235 wonders
15 years ago 1
what Euclid would think of Geogebra or GSP...
jsantos11235 needs
15 years ago 1
a good new non-fic book to read
jsantos11235 is
15 years ago 3
contemplating a new webapp idea...