tired from our Tagaytay-EK trip...
I praise d Lord here 2day. I know that all my talent & my ability comes frm him, & w/o him I'm nothing & I thank him for his great blessing.
RT: Happiness keeps you Smiling, Trials keep you Praying, Failures keep you Hoping, Love keeps you Blooming, But only God keeps you Going!
Thank God for what you have. Trust God for what you need. Happy Sunday! #ihatequotes
Don't let bitter people get to you. They're not mad with you, they're mad with themselves. Relax. #MoveOnMoveUp
plurk-twitter integration, not working?
You are the writer of your own story, other people help you to open the next page. #ihatequotes
Be grateful for harsh lessons, that in the end brought you the strength to transcend old habits. Have faith, God guides! #ihatequotes
God will not permit any troubles to come upon us,unless He has a specific plan by which great blessing can come out of the difficulty.-P. M.