Joseph Z.
107Friends 60Fans
male New York, NY, United States
I'm a Brooklyn, NY blogger and freelancer.
Joseph Z. is
16 years ago
heading out to show his old boss a thing or two
Joseph Z. wonders
16 years ago
what he can get off his computer. The video files are really piling up...
Joseph Z. is
16 years ago 2
trying to get back into plurking again, for real.
Joseph Z. says
16 years ago 1
Good morning :-D
Joseph Z. is
16 years ago
going over to a friend's house to watch Twilight. I hear the movie has more action and less sappy romance than the books.
Joseph Z. says
16 years ago
Good morning, all. (:
Joseph Z. says
16 years ago
Did some about:config hacks in Firefox, let's see if it's faster. And now, bed. Goodnight, all! (bye)
Joseph Z. shares
16 years ago
this is what my cat tries to do all the time Broccoli Cat!
Joseph Z. says
16 years ago
oof, stayed up too late playing Flyff. Time for bed --after I look up some game info, of course :-P
Joseph Z. says
16 years ago
after so long offline, I'm lost. What is it I should spend hours doing?