9Friends 18Fans
male Highland Park, NJ, United States
father, atheist, guitarist, gamer, oneirist, technologist,
15 years ago
Hey! has officially moved into its new digs at WebFaction. Not much to see yet, but stay tuned. Exciting things are happening.
jpcording says
15 years ago
says: "Newegg you magnificent bastards...Ordered my 9800GTX yesterday, delivered today, FREE SHIPPING. I think there's something in my eye.
jpcording was
15 years ago
just told by his daughter that he's the prettiest daddy in the world. You are all welcome to agree.
jpcording is
15 years ago
celebrating 20 years of grace. No, not THAT Grace; I mean the good fortune we get that we don't deserve.
jpcording wishes
15 years ago
the stress overload wasn't a little addictive.
15 years ago
wonders when the embarrassing details will stop trickling in.
15 years ago
swears it's been today for like, three days.
jpcording is
15 years ago
WAY too stressed for 10AM.
15 years ago
Motorboated a slab at the Maryland house. Back on 95N.
jpcording is
15 years ago
looking smart in an argyle sweater vest.