1Friends 5Fans
male Mableton, GA, United States
jpabian says
15 years ago
says Google Mobile App now available for BlackBerry Storm: If you have a BlackBerry Storm or Storm2, and have been w..
jpabian says
15 years ago
says Introducing Google Buzz widget for Android: Since we launched Google Buzz for mobile, we've been working on way..
jpabian says
15 years ago
says Orkut for Android — live folders, photo upload and more!: (Cross-posted on the orkut Blog)Orkut is now ready to..
jpabian says
15 years ago
says Google Maps for Android: Search ‘n Swipe, Latitude Widget, and More: Making sense of a fast paced and changing ..
jpabian says
15 years ago
says Gesture Search now available for Android 1.6: Since we launched Gesture Search on Android Market two weeks ago,..
jpabian says
15 years ago
says 5 more tips for using Google Buzz on your phone: Last week we shared some tips for getting the most out of Goog..
jpabian says
15 years ago
says In stock nearby? Look for the blue dots.: (Cross-posted with the Google Merchant Blog)Vic Gundotra, VP of Engin..
jpabian says
15 years ago
says ​New YouTube App for Windows Mobile and Nokia S60 phones: Cross posted from the YouTube blog ​Last March, we la..
jpabian says
15 years ago
says Search your Android phone with written gestures: As mobile phones become increasingly powerful and can store mo..
jpabian says
15 years ago
says 5 tips for using Google Buzz on your phone: A few weeks ago we released Google Buzz for mobile. There are many ..