Cee-Yo Sah ﭢ
189Friends 30Fans
female Mandaluyong City, Philippines
Life never gives you something that you can't handle on. Cheer up! =)
Cee-Yo Sah ﭢ
13 years ago 2
being in love with each other doesnt necessarily mean that you have to be lovers. sometimes you just have to be friends. Sweet Friends! c",)
Cee-Yo Sah ﭢ
13 years ago 3
S.I.N.G.L.E = strong, Independent, noticeable, generous, Loving , Enlightened
Cee-Yo Sah ﭢ
13 years ago 2
It's not bad to be selfish. Because there are some things in life that are not meant to be shared.
Cee-Yo Sah ﭢ
13 years ago 2
Doing nothing is the hardest thing to do... You never know when you are finished! :-D
Cee-Yo Sah ﭢ
13 years ago 1
Time will heal... but never erase...
Cee-Yo Sah ﭢ
13 years ago 18
BOOST !! :-))
Cee-Yo Sah ﭢ
13 years ago 1
A lot of beautiful people are stupid. There’s a tremendous amount of idiots who look so good. It’s frightening.
Cee-Yo Sah ﭢ
13 years ago 4
it is better to let people think you are stupid than to open your mouth and prove you are stupid”
Cee-Yo Sah ﭢ
13 years ago 1
Love can sometimes be magic, but magic can sometimes………..just be an illusion!!
Cee-Yo Sah ﭢ
13 years ago 2