23Friends 14Fans
female Bison, KS, United States
joyful_46 says
12 years ago
Enjoying sessions with Ginger at Otis Bison
joyful_46 says
13 years ago 2
joyful_46 says
14 years ago 2
What are some good sites to help students understand the rules and regs of downloading and using music in videos they have created?
joyful_46 says
14 years ago
Yesterday's How do I use my iPad for education by Kevin H. was awesome.
joyful_46 says
14 years ago 2
What do 6th grade teachers use of email accounts for students?
joyful_46 says
15 years ago 5
how do I make a sports video for a student to show to college scouts. He needs to be able to identify himself in the game for the scouts.
joyful_46 says
15 years ago 7
that she is enjoying the iconnect/ilearn unconference