25Friends 7Fans
female Singapore
Name:Joyce, 12
Sku:Beatty Secondary School
♥Valerie[Hubby]♥--I WILL NVR FORGET DE!!
[j♥yce] says
15 years ago 4
Eeeekk!Very sian lehhs><
[j♥yce] says
15 years ago 2
LOL.went to bishan library with my gans...borrowed loads of books;D
[j♥yce] says
15 years ago
Yayy!BEATTY won the match against GUANGYANG;D4-1
[j♥yce] says
15 years ago 20
josephhh's damn shuai sia..and his voice isnt tht low n deep, lyke others:X
[j♥yce] says
15 years ago 7
why our sch no shuai ges one?havee larhs, but only some..wish i can go regent..or he he is beatty..
[j♥yce] hates
15 years ago
[j♥yce] says
15 years ago
miss my friends--ivee n jiaying..
[j♥yce] says
15 years ago
L.O.L said 'Helloo' to seniors todae..one of them damn shuai sia..in wushu de, can run run run den suddenly jump..somersult sia!
[j♥yce] says
15 years ago
Walau..badminton tournament v.s SingaporeCGS..siao!
[j♥yce] says
15 years ago 59
Wahh...the guy in 1E1 n regent soo shuai!