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josephpaper says
14 years ago
Glenn Beck subscribes to controversial fields of Mormon theology, such as the White Horse Prophecy. Books dld.bz/QDse
josephpaper says
14 years ago
Gary Vaynerchuk: "If you’re lucky enough to spend any time around any eighty- or.." [The Thank You Economy] Books dld.bz/PZQC
josephpaper says
14 years ago
Michio Kaku: "#Invisibility is a property that arises at the atomic level.." [#Physics of the Impossible] Books dld.bz/PQUN
josephpaper says
14 years ago
Barack Obama: "As a result, some have a hard time taking me at face value." [Dreams from My Father] dld.bz/N3KY
josephpaper says
14 years ago
Amy Chua: "..this book is really misunderstood.." [Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother] Books Chinese Parenting dld.bz/QDT2
josephpaper says
14 years ago
Eric Kandel: ".. merger of these disciplines with the biology of the brain.." [Charlie Rose Books] Medicine Mind dld.bz/PCZC
josephpaper says
14 years ago
"..angered by the poor performance of #U.S. contractor BearingPoint.." [One Nation Under Contract] Nonfiction Books dld.bz/Q8Ee
josephpaper says
14 years ago
Barack Obama: "... a workable meaning for his life as a black American." [Dreams from My Father] dld.bz/N3KY
josephpaper says
14 years ago
Ian Frazier describes being on a train for 52 hours and never leaving the Russian forest. [#Colbert Report Books] dld.bz/NJXt
josephpaper says
14 years ago
Maryn McKenna: Because MRSA spreads by skin contact, infections spread faster in USArmy barracks. [#Superbug] NPR dld.bz/JgwB