11Friends 8Fans
female Manila, Philippines
i am a loving wife to Arnel Sager, an unfullfiled mother to a 3 pasaway children and a loving and doting mama to a pretty and smart princess fiona...i love to make friends and spends time chatting and sending some quotes and never ending wor
josephina says
15 years ago
missed plurking....
josephina says
15 years ago
hello plurkers(bye)its so hot
josephina says
15 years ago
t it be dis way .. liv one day at a tym ...
josephina says
15 years ago
sayang ung karma na nwala !! :-(
josephina says
15 years ago
goodnight pLurKers....sweeT dreams.....
josephina says
15 years ago
summer is almost over..........
josephina feels
15 years ago
so slow... :-(
josephina wonders
15 years ago
why wasting time on that garbage video scandal when we got so many unfinished issue to tackle...... :-(
josephina says
15 years ago
goodnight plurkers....have a nice sleep..... (bye)
josephina says
15 years ago
hello plurkers!!!!!! need some add-ups to gain more..