170Friends 81Fans
male Cebu, Philippines
10 years ago
can't resume my Community Season 4 marathon and Manga Backlog Downloading because there's something wrong with the laptop. I'll continue reading the Let's Play of Xenogears then. :3
10 years ago
Resuming Community Season 4 marathon and re-downloading manga backlogs. :3
10 years ago 2
Oyasumi and Sayonara 2014. Happy New Year and Hello 2015. jeynus pibzZz Ryonosuki Keiki thalz and other plurkers. :3 [i don't know EJ, Haide, and Ryan's plurk names. T_T]
10 years ago
Resume Community Season 3 marathon. Now shipping: Abed and Annie. :3
10 years ago
I guess I'll download all year-2014 chapters of my manga list. Again. Maybe I'll start on January 1, 2015.
10 years ago 5
Manga Backlog Download List in the comments. I might have to redownload them because I need to reformat my flash drive. :-(
10 years ago
【Key】Rewriteオープニングアニメ Air? Done but not yet watched. Kanon? Done. Clannad? Done. Little Busters? Done. Now all that's left is Rewrite, Planetarian, and Angel Beats "FULL" Version. :3
10 years ago
Little Busters EX: A very nice set of OVAs. I believe that the arcs were presented in sequence right after the anime series. Love the ending on Kanata's arc. 10 out of 10.
10 years ago
Oh my goodness. The last two episodes have bad, literal, english subs. #TheConsOfBadFansubs