Jo McLeay
238Friends 220Fans
female Endeavour Hills, Australia
Am loving working as the Professional Learning Officer part time in the VITTA office and spending time at home with the family and in the garden. Blog
Jo McLeay says
15 years ago
VITTA now on Twitter vittaconference for updates about our annual conference, keynote speakers and more
Jo McLeay says
15 years ago 8
thinking of getting an iPhone
Jo McLeay says
15 years ago
And this was the sonf the girls decided made a good birthday song large dark aardvark song
Jo McLeay says
15 years ago 4
DD made Black Forest Cake to have after we came back from the Afghan restaurant we went to
Jo McLeay is
15 years ago 3
Just back from a birthday dinner with the family for husband, Bob. Was really good.
Jo McLeay
15 years ago
Reading Remember when we were all scared of cloud computing?
Jo McLeay
15 years ago 3
Anybody else watch Web Warriors? Could be shown to students as an exercise in critical viewing
Jo McLeay has
15 years ago 3
just had an omlette for dinner, thanks to my lovely generous chooks
Jo McLeay shares
15 years ago
Jo McLeay is
15 years ago 2
so excited to be working in the VITTA office as part of professional learning team (dance)