0Friends 2Fans
female Mountain View, CA, United States
jokeUknow says
12 years ago
English = Hello. Spanish = Hola. French = Bonjour. Japanese = Konnichiwa. Chinese = Nî Hâo. Italian = Ciao. Me = Sup Bitch
jokeUknow says
12 years ago
That "like a boss" moment when you throw some thing in the trash and make it in.
jokeUknow says
12 years ago
jokeUknow says
12 years ago
jokeUknow says
12 years ago
BREAKING NEWS: Live picture of Bradford fans heading to Wembley.pic.twitter.com/...
jokeUknow says
12 years ago
Do you ever just rub your eyes so hard that you just start entering some other fucking galaxy of swirls and patterns
jokeUknow says
12 years ago
Who remembers going on the computer just to go on paint and space pinball?
jokeUknow says
12 years ago
Aguero: "I will stay at Manchester City." buff.ly/YpjBJl
jokeUknow says
12 years ago
I need a backspace key for my mouth
jokeUknow says
12 years ago
I love when my friends laugh is funnier than the joke.