6Friends 13Fans
male Minneapolis, MN, United States
johnny_bones is
16 years ago
going to the library and then to the Tweetup later. Oh fun day.
johnny_bones loves
16 years ago
the Google Insight for Search tool --> www.google.com/insights/...
16 years ago
can't sleep as usual
johnny_bones wonders
16 years ago
if he can ever get his Karma over 25 so he can change his page?
johnny_bones wonders
16 years ago
why no one is using this for the #smbmsp?
johnny_bones has
16 years ago
to move out of his college house this weekend. I am not looking forward to cleaning everything.
johnny_bones hopes
16 years ago
to find a job in the next month otherwise he is going to have to move back to Chi-Town.
johnny_bones wants
16 years ago
to know if there is anyone out there... (echo echo echo)
16 years ago
To alcohol: The cause of and solution to all of life's problems.
johnny_bones wishes
16 years ago
it was Thursday night already.