An autoimmune disease is one where an individual's body begins to respond against its immune system which leads to abnormal functioning of the respective body part.....
Women frequently use cosmetics in our society. There is a variety of cosmetic products. Some belong to the good quality while some products are cheap and harmful...... Vitiligo and Cosmetic Problems in Women
There are early symptoms of the vitiligo found and it is better to get yourself tested when you find these symptoms positive. Here are few early symptoms of the disease.....
Diet is 2nd name of complete treatment or gets rid of disease in vitiligo you can say if patient want complete rid of vitiligo skin disease then patient should plan for diet....
Food is major part of treatment in any disease but due to beauty killer disease vitiligo patient need complete guide line from doctor for stop vitiligo....
Many herbal oils that claimed 100% recovery from white patches/spots. The recovery of this skin disorder can also include home remedies.........