118Friends 19Fans
male Milton, WI, United States
I am the Technology Director for the Milton School District in Milton Wi. I have been hacking about computing since the mid 70's. Over the years I have worked with (among others) CPM, DOS, Pro Dos, Mac OS, minix, Linux, Solaris, croquet, AmigaOs et
13 years ago 1
Staying inside, its getting colder out. Not cold yet but getting there.
johnboy1964 says
13 years ago 1
Good night all!
13 years ago 2
Monday :-(
johnboy1964 says
13 years ago
Good night all!
13 years ago
IOS 5 here we go!
13 years ago 3
Good Morning!
johnboy1964 says
13 years ago 2
Steve Jobs and Al Davis, we have lost two truly creative outsiders who created their own rules rather than follow those of others.
johnboy1964 shares
13 years ago 1
Triumph of the Nerds [one of three] 1/6Triumph of the Nerds [one of three] 1/6(A nice history of the PC business up to the mid 90's. )
13 years ago 2
I need some suggestions for a LAN party activity for a Tech Trends class. I need something without graphic violence and at least one
13 years ago
Teaching a technology trends class today. Helping a great teacher who can admit to the students that he is learning along with them.