0Friends 10Fans
male Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
I am what I am...
BulbleBear◎燈泡熊 will
13 years ago
go to Law Yatt Plaza later today to check on something... Day 8
BulbleBear◎燈泡熊 hopes
13 years ago
time will fly faster... Day 8 has begun
BulbleBear◎燈泡熊 loves
13 years ago
the feeling to be able to chat with hiM just now... Day 7
BulbleBear◎燈泡熊 is
13 years ago
glad that an article pulled him back to reality... Keep it up... Day 7
BulbleBear◎燈泡熊 is
13 years ago
thinking of hiM... Day 6 about to end and day 7 about to start...
BulbleBear◎燈泡熊 wants
13 years ago
to be in his arMs so badly... Day 6...
just been kissed by hiM... A sign of appreciation or love... Oh well, I'll do anything for hiM... Day 5!
knows he cares about him so much that he actually contacted him the first few day when they aren't together... (cozy)He loves hiM so much...
BulbleBear◎燈泡熊 will
13 years ago
NOT have any problem surviving this 4th day... Another 10 days to go!
BulbleBear◎燈泡熊 was
13 years ago
glad everything went very well... Day 3 gone by and day 4 begins! Miss you...