1Friends 3Fans
female Seremban, Malaysia
Hi, i'm Joey, and no I am not a guy despite my guy-ish name, and no I am also not a tomato; I'm a girl who likes cats and chocolate and am still trying to figure out this karma thing.As to why the tomato has ears, it was born that way:-P
15 years ago 1
doesn't know why she can't post a new blog post (annoyed) can't be bothered now, fix later!
joey_n asks
15 years ago
why do people like to burn rubbish so much? Just dump 'em into the the bin lah. So much smoke, sheesh.
joey_n feels
15 years ago
hungry again(hungry) stomach growling..
15 years ago
passed undang test, whoohoo! Two more books to the recycle bin (goodluck)
joey_n shares
15 years ago
joey_n hates
15 years ago 1
runny noses.. ahh! (angry)
joey_n is
15 years ago
making the second plushie.. gonna finish today B-)
joey_n is
15 years ago
making little animal plushies that don't really look like animals or plushies :-P
joey_n has
15 years ago
new emoticons? New emoticons!! (dance) (dance) (dance)
joey_n was
15 years ago
talking to an old friend.. nice to hear some used-to-be-soo-familiar voices again! (LOL)