12Friends 14Fans
male Hong Kong, China
I'm tired. Why don't you read the about section of this page?
jmak says
16 years ago 1
I give up. I no longer care about my karma. It does pain me, however, to see all the good conversations I missed.
16 years ago
The Heroes Season 3 promos got me incredibly excited! Season 2 has yet to air in HK :-(
jmak says
16 years ago
just updated my portfolio. Look at the pretty pictures!
jmak thinks
16 years ago
Adobe AIR is not for him :-(
jmak says
16 years ago
There are 9 Plurks in total that are Virb-related.
16 years ago
continues to feel bad for not Plurking as much as he'd like. Sorry! ( you care)
jmak is
16 years ago 1
not in the mood :-(
jmak says
16 years ago
the farewell concert's finally over. People seemed to like the leaflets! Yay.
jmak is
16 years ago
exhausted. It's almost over... almost.