13Friends 12Fans
male Penang, Malaysia
jjcarrot says
15 years ago 7
pretty woman...walking down the street.......pretty woman..........
jjcarrot says
15 years ago 24
wats wrong wiv me???
jjcarrot says
15 years ago 1
dude...ur famous
jjcarrot says
15 years ago
so hot 2day
jjcarrot says
15 years ago 18
h1n1 cum 2 my skul
jjcarrot says
15 years ago 1
wash ur hands and every single part of ur body,including ****
jjcarrot says
15 years ago
dun 4get 2 b hygiene
jjcarrot says
15 years ago
the number of h1n1 victims are increasin
jjcarrot says
15 years ago 25
jjcarrot says
15 years ago 8
go away viruses