阿均..The New !
83Friends 11Fans
male Taipei, Taiwan
快來認識我 讓我認識你 !!!
阿均..The New !
13 years ago 1
這個夜晚就來奮鬥一下吧!!!!!!! p(^.^)q
阿均..The New !
13 years ago 6
亨記吃好爽 ^^
阿均..The New !
13 years ago 4
阿均..The New !
13 years ago
"彩虹破例在台直播演唱會" 演唱會將完整在信義威秀影城同步轉播,入場門票17日中午12點開賣!!! 這起碼應該要前一天就去排隊吧....說不定還要更早勒QQ
阿均..The New !
13 years ago
最近都打的好悶...... (annoyed)
阿均..The New !
13 years ago
練個球回來變落湯雞...雨超大 一.一
阿均..The New !
13 years ago 4
阿均..The New ! 覺得
13 years ago 1
Fast Five 好看喔!!! :-D 最後還留了個伏筆...是想出第6集了喔ㄎㄎ!!! And "蓋兒賈多特"好辣~~~ (blush)
阿均..The New ! 覺得
13 years ago
高雄好熱唷... (annoyed)
阿均..The New !
13 years ago
Time To Go Home~~~~