5Friends 33Fans
male Mobile, AL, United States
Just an old Southern Gent who has the boring adventures that I will happily take you on. Welcome to my World!!
jameshj80 says
14 years ago
Sucks that my phone is going dead as I am waiting in the doctors office. Blerg!!!
jameshj80 says
14 years ago
Hells Yeah!!! ~ RT trixie360: Oh snap, Rocko's Modern Life is on Netflix Instant!!
jameshj80 says
14 years ago
Awoke this morning to a woodpecker pecking on a tree by our window. There goes our late Sunday sleep-in. *sigh*
jameshj80 says
14 years ago
RT nerdygrl: Are you a bay area designer? Are you corny? ping.fm/DGbak is now live! LOL.
jameshj80 says
14 years ago
I just learned that the ramen on the Asian aisle in the grocery store is way better than the regular ramen on the soup aisle. That is all!
jameshj80 says
14 years ago
Finally had to break down and delete Farmville as I just never have the patience or time for it, so goodbye Farmville.
jameshj80 says
14 years ago
Wifey helped me "Macgyver" my new sunglasses that were slightly bent with nothing more than a hairdryer and patience. Awesome! :-)
jameshj80 says
14 years ago
RT ChrisPirillo: Is Wayne Brady gonna have to choke a bitch? [WayneBrady]
jameshj80 says
14 years ago
AT&T is crap!!!!! ~ RT JBOB180: AT&T phasing out unlimited data 4 smartphones. pape.rs/9jdBl8
jameshj80 says
14 years ago
Crazy!!!! Some guy from Mobile, AL is on Hoarders on A&E. Wonder where he lives. *wonders* kindasortacelebrity