13Friends 1Fans
female Singapore
JiaJuanGoh says
15 years ago
it's 6:42am already and i'm finally done with my farmville farm :-DDDDD
JiaJuanGoh says
15 years ago
wooots! now 6am already and i'm still awak hahhaa. playing farmville fishville petville and 6:45am i'm going to sleep sleep sleep. hahaha.
JiaJuanGoh says
15 years ago 7
now facebook have this gam called PetVille very cute go have a try :-)
JiaJuanGoh says
15 years ago
morning :-DDD playing farmville and fishville now :-DDD ahahah.
JiaJuanGoh says
15 years ago 2
everyone around her is playing fishville and farm ville :-D
JiaJuanGoh is
15 years ago
you make me hate you~
JiaJuanGoh is
15 years ago 8
I'm so bored! and i still playing farmville and fishville hahaha. (rock)
JiaJuanGoh is
15 years ago
listening to music now. (music) tiamo~
JiaJuanGoh is
15 years ago
listening to music now.
JiaJuanGoh feels
15 years ago
so nice and cooling today :-))) :-)