Searching for book #601, cant wait to read it! Malaysia is so slow.
Why don't i feel sleepy at all. What am i gonna do now hmm. My comic is done
Add maths homework will be completed tomorrow. This is what i said, pls pray tht i will do it.
Another box of tissue is soon gonna b used up by me, why do i hav so much mucus, yes disgusting shit.
School replacement tomorrow, feel bad not attending, but wt todo, i need more rest,
Am i doing the right thing. But of coz ignoring is bad aite. Mymy is teaching me hw to b evil goshhh ;p
Wonder what do they eat, n those who eat alot and wouldnt gain weight, argggg WHY
Alright, mayb not anorexic. Just thin, why are those peepo so thin, envy mch.
M so jealous of those anorexic people.
10.30pm what to do. I still feel sick ):