29Friends 41Fans
male Taipei, Taiwan
jia0820 says
15 years ago
still cold in Newcastle....
jia0820 says
15 years ago
T r e a t m e L i k e a n A n g e l & I w i l l S h o w Y o u H e a v e n ~~ha
jia0820 says
15 years ago 3
coming soon...my lovely country ~Taiwan!! (dance)
jia0820 says
15 years ago 5
today's dinner was leftover from last dinner,the last dinner was leftover from the dinner many days ago.my hostma seems to run out of money.
jia0820 says
15 years ago 1
HostmaNG.Recently she treated me good because she need my help.To help her post the AD about selling her car & her business in school.FK.
jia0820 says
15 years ago
I got the message from my dear in the morning..it's about our V Day in Taiwan.really can't wait for going back home... :-))
jia0820 says
15 years ago
Justine is a wired woman...I really can't understand her.. (unsure)
jia0820 says
15 years ago
在澳洲認識的台灣朋友,跟他們不熟時覺得他們有錢&有質感,熟了以後發現是假像.如果屎尿對你而言沒有用處,那他們就是. (: disappointed
jia0820 says
15 years ago 6
my English teacher said maybe I wanna back 2 AU after I go back 2 Taiwan.I responded:Maybe~but my heart said:NO WAY!Never& ever!
jia0820 says
15 years ago
Better (to) be alone than in bad [ill] company...