90Friends 122Fans
male Magnolia, TX, United States
I am a technology trainer in Magnolia, Texas
Break Away - Ordinary People doing Extraordinary Things
jgustin shares
15 years ago 2
Ain't Gonna Hold us Back. Almost 2 years old, but it is such a cute video.Interwrite Winner - Aint Gonna Hold Us Back (D-I-G-I-T-A-L)
jgustin says
15 years ago 1
A principal here has set up her 1st blog. The 1st post is on RTI. Some comments to welcome her would be nice.tinyurl.com/y9gpwvc
jgustin says
15 years ago
Looking for activities and ideas teachers can use with interwrite pads.
jgustin says
15 years ago 3
language is a symbolic representation of our thoughts. That means that to communicate, another person must receive those symbols and ...
jgustin asks
15 years ago 9
anyone reading Will Richardson's book Blogs, Wikis, Podcasts and other powerful web tools for classrooms? I have a small group of teachers
jgustin says
15 years ago 2
Warlick just mentioned www.netvibes.com/ . RSS reader with tabs for different pages of feeds. Anyone use Netvibes?
jgustin is
15 years ago 1
listening to David Warlick in Austin, TX.
jgustin shares
15 years ago 2
Did You Know 4.0. What do you think of the latest version? Did You Know 4.0
jgustin asks
15 years ago 5
If I have to reset a teachers password 5 times before the first module, should I just say that an online course is not the best option?
jgustin says
15 years ago 3
That Texas attitude has hold of me this mornin'. I need a smiley with a cowboy hat. Ghost Riders In The Sky