Jett Roxan
237Friends 55Fans
male Second life
Passionate... and making no apologies
Jett Roxan
5 years ago 13 @Edit 5 years ago so i posted an article from VICE and got this IM from the owner of socialvr
Jett Roxan
5 years ago
sooo... im here too Jett Roxan
Jett Roxan
5 years ago 2 hope you feel better soon Trinetty
Jett Roxan
5 years ago 15
Job Interview at the local NBC affiliate today... In 6 minutes I think I'd like this job maybe. Wish me luck
Jett Roxan
5 years ago 12
If you voted but don't post about it on social media is it like a tree falling in the forest? Did it make a sound?
Jett Roxan
5 years ago 7
ROCKY HORROR PICTURE SHOW! join Trinetty and I at 11pm est/ 8pm SLT on Rabbit - The way to watch anything with anyone and if you want to meet inworld at ~The Library~ IM one of us for a tp if you like.
Jett Roxan
5 years ago 4
Shopping for a therapist for the first time ever. I know I've needed one for ten years.
Jett Roxan
5 years ago
Wtf... Don't ring my phone srsl