102Friends 120Fans
female Ada, OK, United States
I am a freelance writer/editor, photographer, and fiber artist based in south-central Oklahoma. Check out Jen Nipps Online for more.
jen says
6 years ago
In case you missed it:

Jen Nipps - Author
jen says
6 years ago
If anyone is interested in a 5-day creativity challenge or course (40 Days of Creativity), feel free to come to my FB Live tonight over on my Facebook page.
jen says
6 years ago 13
In talking with friends at a virtual conference I've been attending this week, I just had a pretty big epiphany. This was MUCH more than just an aha moment.
jen says
6 years ago @Edit 6 years ago
(dance) Someone found my website doing a Google search!
jen says
6 years ago 1
Y'all, I'm doing stuff that's pretty much scaring me spitless. lol. But I know I can do it. The 40 Days of Creativity course I'm putting together is just the first part of it. This could be big. No. This WILL be big. I can't wait. :-D
jen says
6 years ago
Did I ever share the link to my newest newsletter here? (It just went out yesterday, so it's not like it's been days.)
jen says
6 years ago
I'm still having my foot up. I had Wound Care yesterday. They called me today and said they had called in a prescription for me and wanted me to start it today. sigh And I got my computer setup the way I want it so I can actually see my computer screen and work even though I'm in the kitchen with my foot up.
jen says
6 years ago
I'm feeling better today and I'm so glad! I'm attending an online conference and loving it.
jen says
6 years ago 6
In the...excitement of last night, I forgot to give a Wound Care update. I came home with a compression wrap. :-( That was a big part of the sleeplessness last night. I expected it, but that doesn't make it any easier.
6 years ago 8 @Edit 6 years ago
It is rather unsettling (to say the least) hearing Dad making sure a rifle and pistol are loaded and in easy reach. There was a fatal shooting half a block from us. The shooter is still at-large. I'm sleeping in the living room because Mom doesn't want me upstairs alone. We are safe and taking precautions to stay that way.