An image shows the beauty on the outside, not the inside.
There's only two times I wanna be with you... NOW and FOREVER.
..i kNow gOd wiLL Not Give Me aNythiNg i CaNt HaNDLe..i JuzT wiSh hE didNt TrusT mE So MucH!!
-- hndi man ako ganun kaganda .. an'tanong .. kaw din ba ?? ^^ haha ..
dOnT be sO qUicK To JudgE me, .U OnLy SeE WaT i ChoOse To sHow..
yOu <3
..LeaRn To KeEp a LiTTLe 4 urSeLf.. PRide iS nOt aLwayS NeGaTive, SuMtyMs iT DefiNes DigNity..
..i dOnT Give everyOne A ReasOn To Hate Me, .They cReaTe tHeiR owN LittLe DraMa oF PuRe jEaLousy..