7Friends 1Fans
female Caloocan, Philippines
jeannearroyo says
13 years ago 5
Adobo flakes at the baliktad-na-payong CASAA place, what took me so long to meet you? (hungry)
jeannearroyo shares
13 years ago
SURPRISE MUSICAL - Gotta Share! I kind of... had to, you know? (unsure)
jeannearroyo teilt
13 years ago 3
https://images.plurk.com/89f73643a70931b3f18a7aaf4a9986c1.jpg (LOL) That looks about right.
jeannearroyo teilt
13 years ago 1
Nature by Numbers(So beautiful.)
13 years ago 2
spotted in UPD: man jogging around the oval, balancing a bike next to him that has his Labrador on it. (woot)
jeannearroyo teilt
13 years ago
Opening Ceremony Blog - Spike Jonze Presents: Lil Buck and Yo-Yo Ma Made my face go OMGWTFBBQ!
jeannearroyo teilt
13 years ago
Fartlek (snigger) FTW! can only do about 20 minutes of it so far, though.
jeannearroyo teilt
13 years ago 3
Mumford and Sons - Winter Winds (Bookshop Sessions) Been loving me some Mumford and Sons lately. Foot-stamping head-shaking music, yeah!
13 years ago 2
is it SOP for conference organizers to give you notice that they want your paper after all only after you've forgotten having submitted