10Friends 17Fans
female Canterbury, Great Britain (UK)
jassiee says
15 years ago 6
P.S. MARRIOTT HOTEL called to say they found my clothes, OH YEAH BABY!!! <3
jassiee has
15 years ago
had a very busy day...bought all sorts of stuff and had dinner with my dad and housemate, andrew. yummy raspberry pavlova!
jassiee has
15 years ago 1
been shopping... <3 river island!
jassiee has
15 years ago 7
painted all my nails sparkly out of boredom and is goin to sleep... yay my housemate is back tmw woop!!! :-D
jassiee is
15 years ago
sorry about the death of jamie's lesbian marriage
jassiee thinks
15 years ago 2
Bliss by mariah carey is sucha nice song Mariah Carey - Bliss
jassiee is
15 years ago 3
all lonely aloney at home and wishing my housemate would get home soooooonnn
jassiee is
15 years ago
listening to my dad speak to the marriott manager X-( <- lol the emoticon looks nuts
jassiee is
15 years ago 6
pissed off Marriott housekeeping cannot find my clothes which i left behind!! goodbye topshop trackers :'-(
jassiee was
15 years ago 3
freezing my ass off. hating the weather