43Friends 71Fans
female Olongapo City, Philippines
i want to be remembered as the girl who always :-D even when her ♥ is broken...

...and the one that could always brighten up your day even if she couldn't brighten her own.

spaceJAM feels
15 years ago
good after taking a quick shower. time to (sleeping)hit the sack. back to duty mode later at 6am.
spaceJAM is
15 years ago
exhausted from today's duty. tugush! *collapses to bed*
spaceJAM needs
15 years ago
to wake up early for her med ward duty. (gym) aja! mornight! :-)
spaceJAM is
15 years ago
up up... and away. :-) *school girl mode* (wave)
spaceJAM says
15 years ago
kaya mo yan ! hehe. ;-)
spaceJAM says
15 years ago
ooohhhh. just saw the new badges thingy of plurk. have you seen it already? :-))
spaceJAM says
15 years ago
have a nice day guys! take care. :-)
spaceJAM needs
15 years ago
to get ready. will be hangin' out in the lib later. 8-)
spaceJAM says
15 years ago
what an effin' weird dream. felt like i was in a game like left for dead. haha. the weird part is... we use scissors to kill. lolz. (LOL)
spaceJAM asks
15 years ago
who's on skype? add me up... or i'll add you up. ;-) skype id: jstfoo