Jamiexz ^^
12Friends 1Fans
female Tokyo, Japan
Visit my blog @ www.miissyjamie.onsugar.com ! :-D
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Jamiexz ^^ says
15 years ago
morning breakfast deluxe <3. here i come :-D damn happie now.
Jamiexz ^^
15 years ago
i am slping :-DDD nights <3!
Jamiexz ^^
15 years ago
chi. a1 arh!
Jamiexz ^^
15 years ago
and you shuld go" service" ppl! haha! this line suits you! your "sales" will flood like siao. laughs. or sucha ouch figure?
Jamiexz ^^
15 years ago
are an typcially ahlian pls.
Jamiexz ^^
15 years ago
i wonder why some ppl likes to be so boastful. LOL! when they merely are too young yet bind up ideas to lie and act like big fuck. when you
Jamiexz ^^
15 years ago
good nights lovely <3! :-D
Jamiexz ^^ says
15 years ago
you look like a faggot :-D:-D HAHAHS. sucha face! and teeth! :-P
Jamiexz ^^ says
15 years ago
he's damn fast. 20 yrs old with 3 licence. HAHS! i am going to drive his car!!! YEAPIE.
Jamiexz ^^ says
15 years ago 1
meeting dear to get my thai food. he's enrolling for his class 2A. HAHAS. why so much, when he got 2 and class 3 liao :-P. hahas.