85Friends 29Fans
male Melbourne, Australia
Blogger, digital marketer & ultra hesitant micro blogger. If you can't beat em, join em I guess...

Catch me at onlinemarketingbanter.com
jamesduthie says
16 years ago
Greg Norman is set to create the greatest story is sports history.
jamesduthie is
16 years ago
wasted. 8 beers later...
jamesduthie says
16 years ago 8
karma seems to be heavily weighted to reward new conversations. I contribute to heaps of discussions... yet my karma drops.
jamesduthie is
16 years ago 5
guest posting at SEO 2.0 today - seo2.0.onreact.com/sex-p...
jamesduthie asks
16 years ago
do you feel a pressure to produce X amount of posts for your blog each week? I tend to get anxious if I'm not publishing 2 articles a week.
jamesduthie asks
16 years ago 4
if Americans watched 12 billion videos in May, how many of them were porn? blog.searchenginewatch.c...
jamesduthie asks
16 years ago 5
what's wrong with this situation. It's Friday night. My girlfriend is out drinking... and I'm at home Plurkin. Hmmm...
jamesduthie is
16 years ago 4
writing my first social media strategy for a national org. Will be interesting to see how they perceive it.
jamesduthie is
16 years ago 6
a dirty Sphinn junkie begging for a few more votes. Help a brother out - sphinn.com/story/57938
16 years ago
just spent 2 hours catching up with my blog reading. My brain hurts now...