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male Manila, Philippines
james_green26 says
14 years ago
Read Interesting Books- "We're not the first generation to invest reading with miraculous powers." bit.ly/hVqU2s
james_green26 says
14 years ago
B. West: "Given no intelligible policy guidance, the #U.S. military offered rationalizations." [The Wrong War] Books dld.bz/PT6y
james_green26 says
14 years ago
But he confesses to "a few ill-chosen words" at a subsequent press briefing-a time, says Rumsfeld, when he was under.. dld.bz/K9cd
james_green26 says
14 years ago
Peter Bergen: "He warned Osama bin Laden about the exact timing and scope of the attacks." [The Longest War] Books dld.bz/N2zp
james_green26 says
14 years ago
Peter Bergen: "The goal of this book is to tell a history of the war on terror in one volume." [The Longest War] dld.bz/N2zp
james_green26 says
14 years ago
In the context of dark energy, the cosmological constant is a reservoir which stores energy. dld.bz/HDrF NASA NSF NYTimesScience
james_green26 says
14 years ago
Hamilton: "..filled with olive oil, crushed rosemary and garlic, and big chunks of.." [Blood, Bones & Butter] Books dld.bz/QjsJ
james_green26 says
14 years ago
Claire Dederer: Poser: My Life in 23 Yoga Poses: "Dress your child in organic fibers." Parenting Books dld.bz/Pssq
james_green26 says
14 years ago
Barack Obama: "A few months ago, I won the Democratic nomination for a seat..." [Dreams from My Father] dld.bz/N3KY
james_green26 says
14 years ago
In addition, every month after 2 months we add another layer of segmenting.. Linkvana dld.bz/QjUP