'' jaC * LoLa
18Friends 46Fans
female Penang, Malaysia
'' jaC * LoLa says
14 years ago 5
muscles pain till i don't wish to walk around (nottalking)
'' jaC * LoLa wonders
14 years ago
why Ai Li will ask me accompany her for the hiking competition ? (thinking)
'' jaC * LoLa says
14 years ago
my dance friends plan to come over pg for sing K after our performance (woot) (banana_cool)
'' jaC * LoLa was
14 years ago
very enjoyed yesterday training ! (dance) although it was a tough training 9am to 5pm :-D
'' jaC * LoLa wonders
14 years ago
where to go ?? (woot)
'' jaC * LoLa is
14 years ago
going out with ping and feicui this week (banana_rock)
'' jaC * LoLa says
14 years ago
5 more days to performance (gym)
'' jaC * LoLa says
14 years ago
when laugh my stomach's muscle pain, walk my waist's muscle pain, sit my leg's muscle pain :-&
'' jaC * LoLa says
14 years ago
OMG !! my whole body muscle pain !! :-&
'' jaC * LoLa needs
14 years ago
to sleep now ! training 9am-5pm tomorrow (gym)